Stretching out and lubricating joints from semi-supine. Hip circles. If hips are stiff, try first with knees on chest (as for hip circles) but keep the bent legs together and rotate. Hamstring stretch - from semi-supine have one leg bent and stretch the other one up with hands interlaced around the leg. Work with the breath, easing the muscles on the exhalation. Stretch out the spine with Cat flow - rest the hands on a folded blanket and ensure heels are facing up and not flopping out to the sides.
Stand in Tadasana (mountain). Stretch up to Upward Salute holding a block or with belt around the forearms, just below the elbows. Hold as you breathe fully in and out for about 8 breaths.
Practise a balance - such as standing Ankle Rotations in which you are standing on one leg and rotating the ankle of the other.
Practise the Four Poses sequence - start gently and going further into the poses as you warm up. The four poses are:
Triangle, Warrior 2, Extended side angle and Reverse Warrior.
Practice Sphinx and then Easy Cobra in which the hands are placed at the front edge of the mat. Start in the prone (face down) position. Legs hip-width apart, Be on the tops of the feet and the tops of the legs and relax everywhere. Breathe in to prepare and on the exhalation, lift up into Easy Cobra. Hold for up to 8 breaths breathing in and out fully.
Come into Pose of the Child, resting the head on a level blanket mound and place a blanket/blankets at back of thighs if needed.
Observe the breath. Notice where you feel its effects in the trunk - in the abdomen, ribs - lower ribs, upper ribs? Is it easeful or tight? Does it zigzag. Compare length of inhalation and exhalation. To energise - practice ujjayi breathing with slight constriction in glottis. Only you, yourself, can hear the sighing sound as you breathe in and out.
Practice "Candle breathing" . Picture a candle in front of the face. Breathe in and then breathe out through pursed lips as if you don't want the candle flame to go out. Take 10 breaths like this - noticing that the exhalation is lengthened because the lungs have to pull on the restriction made and this invites a deeper inhalation. The ribs are now moving fully!
After relaxation, read through and ponder the following words from Ekhart Tolle :
"Be aware of your breathing. Notice how this takes attention away from your thinking and creates space".
"Doing is never enough if you neglect being".
"The time to be happy is now".